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Sunday, April 17, 2016


Well, it looks like I won't be able to make it to Maryland Sheep and Wool this year, since I will be busy graduating. But that's probably for the best; I have more yarn and fiber than I know what to do with. But I have been doing some shopping lately, so I figured I would share the goodies.

First up, I bought a couple ounces of undyed karakul wool locks from La Tea Da Designs.

Undyed Karakul Locks

I am actually not planning on spinning with them. I agreed to teach a spindling class at a local synagogue next month, and I wanted to bring in some to show the kids. We will be spinning with some of my extra roving, so I wanted to bring in something that wasn't prepped yet, as well as something more representative of biblical-era wool than my ramboullet (a soft wool developed from merino in the late 18th Century). Karakul is one of the oldest breeds of sheep and they are from the Middle East - so, if not the same, pretty darn close to what the bible means when it talks about sheep or wool.

I'm also making cheap spindles for the class; more on that when the supplies arrive.

I also finally spent my birthday gift certificate this week. My boss, who knows how much I like to knit (but doesn't understand that I have pounds and pounds of yarn to knit with before I run out) gave me a gift certificate for a local yarn store.

But I was good: I didn't buy any more yarn. I bought two tools: more t-pins for blocking lace, and a repair tool. I have heard good things about the repair tool - namely, that if you notice a stitch three rows back that you did wrong, it makes it much easier to undo and fix.


Repair Tool
I als bought a pair of books by Judith Durant: 101 Designer One-Skein Wonders, and One-Skein Wonders: 101 Yarn-Shop Favorites

I do have plenty of books, but I also have a lot of random skeins of yarn that it would be nice to use up. I was especially thinking of the individual handspun skeins that I make just to play with the fiber.
Three skeins of handspun
Well, that is it for now. I continue to work on my projects, but I should really start something smaller so that I have something new to post!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Checking In


I know it has been awhile. Partially, I have been busy with school (graduation, May 8th!), and partially I haven't had much to show.

The problem with working on large projects is that they don't change much from week to week. But let's see what we have, anyway.

First, we have the beach skirt project. It is progressing, but it looks very similar to the last time we checked in, just longer.

Starting to look like an actual skirt. Quarter sitting on the fabric for scale.

However, I have made some changes to the plan for the skirt. Using just the yarn I had, I am pretty sure that it will not be long enough for me (which, at minimum, should be mid-calf). But I wasn't able to find any more of the color I had - anywhere. Nor could I find a similar color in a matching yarn. So the top part of the skirt will be a purplish gray. I haven't quite decided what pattern to use for that section, but it should evoke the deep ocean.
Color "Paula 2" from Brooks Farm Yarn

I also finished spinning my seafoam yarn for the edge embroidery. I also kept some singles and some roving, in case the 3-ply doesn't look good.

Sea foam yarn in skein, next to fiber.

On to the next project: the shawl.

I have finished one skein worth of knitting. Uh oh.

Looks a bit small. Quarter sitting on the fabric for scale.
I only have three skeins, and it looks like it won't be nearly enough. Guess it is back to the wheel for more lace-weight!

Speaking of spinning, I have also made some progress on my drop spindling project. I now have a full skein of carded, spun, and plied yarn.

95 yds. worsted-weight navajo-churro undercoat. Say that 3 times fast.

Unfortunately, unless I did my math wrong, I only have 100 yards, which is not enough for the project in mind. So, guess I need to do another skein of this one too.

Hopefully I will check in sooner next time, but it will depend on my schedule. I might also start doing some smaller projects, just to have something to report.