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Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Long and the Short of It

Which are better, long projects or short ones?

Long projects seem like they don't progress. You never have anything new to say about them:

"how is the sweater doing?"
"Fine, added another two inches this week."

They require a lot of advance planning at the beginning, then just stitching. And stitching. And stitching.

But... the payoff at the end is amazing. You can look at whatever it is and say, "I made that." It is the most gratifying feeling in the world.

With short projects, a larger part of them is the fun planning stages, and less is the relaxing stitching stages.

There is nearly instant gratification, though smaller.

They are easier to carry around.

And, there is more progress to share!

So, what do y'all think? Short or long?

1 comment:

  1. Short! You can make exciting short projects. But I've never thought I had the patience for a sweater; I get bored with the length of time it takes to make a scarf.
