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Sunday, July 3, 2016

An Update and a Trip Report

Hello internet people!

I know that I have been lax in updating recently. It is not so much that I have been busy, I just have been mostly working on big projects, so updates are sparse.

First of all, I did finish the bulky merino yarn I was working on. Definitely not my best work: There are some parts where I obviously wasn't paying attention, and the singles have far too much twist. I think I just didn't realize how important it is to have low-twist for both bulky singles and merino wool in particular. Plying forgives a lot, but not everything.
Bulky Blue Merino yarn
I have started on some matching black yarn, and I do hope that I learned something from the first try, and it will be better.
Black Merino Bulky singles on the bobbin
Progress continues on my skirt, but I don't have a good picture for you right now. I am hoping to finish it in time to enter it at the Maryland State Fair.

I also went on a trip to Virginia Beach with my husband and in-laws last weekend. We went to Antiques Roadshow! I brought my antique castle wheel, in hopes that the appraisers could tell us how old it was and who made it. Well...

It was made in the 20's or 30's. But it wasn't commercially made, so who knows where it is from. Pretty much what I was told by the person who sold it to me.

We got a bit more useful information about the other three things we brought (a ring, a vase, and a set of silver) but no huge surprises. We had fun talking to people in line though, and everyone was really interested in my wheel - some intern even filmed me talking about it. I also got some funny questions when I got bored and took out my drop spindle. All-in-all, a fun time.

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