Spare moments at home have been spent unpacking, cleaning the old place, getting the new yard in some shape before winter hits, and getting used to the new routine. And of course now that I have hit the third trimester, just getting the normal things done takes more out of me than usual.
On the crafting front, most of my supplies have been packed away in boxes, but I have been steadily working on the baby blanket. It looks like it will be fairly long and narrow (as blankets go) but I'm definitely pleased with how it is coming out. It should be done this week or next week, depending on how much I nap and how much I knit on my commute.
Today though, I finally unpacked all of my yarn and fiber stash. I have some nice new plastic crates to keep things organized, and a shelf set up for my crafting books. Everything is in the closet of our new guest bedroom/library. Unfortunately, I can't show you any of it because I can't find the thing I use to transfer pictures to my computer (the hazards of moving).
Here is a nice picture of a sheep doll to make up for it:
Easy sheep doll, made circa 2006 |
My main concern is that the new space I have for crafting storage is smaller than my old space. Our new place is a bit bigger, but one of the bedrooms has been designated the new baby's room. It is also the place with the litter boxes currently, so I don't want to store knitting things there if I don't have to. The guest room, which has the yarn and such, also has a lot of bookshelves, as well as being smaller than the old guest room.
The place does have a very large shed in the back yard that would be perfect... if it were at all climate controlled. I don't want to store fleeces in an airless, hot room if I can avoid it. We could add electricity, basic heating and cooling, and make it a perfect storage space or even playroom. But that is a project for the future, I am afraid.
Whelp, nothing to do but get crafting and try to work my way through the stash!